>>Modifying the eIntranet Site > Setting Up User Permissions > Setting Up Permissions for a Group of Administrators

Setting Up Permissions for a Group of Administrators

By default, the Ektron eIntranet comes with an Administrators group that can perform all tasks in the Workarea.

To add or delete users from the Administrators group, follow these steps:
  1. In the CMS400.NET workarea, choose Settings > User Groups. The existing user groups display including Administrators.
  2. Click Administrators. A roster of administrator users appears.
    Show me.

  3. To add another user to the Administrator group:
    1. Click Add User (). A list of other CMS400.NET users appears.
    2. Check the box next to the user and click Save () and confirm the operation.
  4. To delete a user from the Administrator group:
    1. Click the username of the person you want to delete from the group. That user's information appears.
    2. Click Delete () and confirm the deletion. The user is removed from the Administrators group.

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